photos : IJA2001-Madison |
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3ball_stack Tuey Wilson attempting a 3 ball stack. |
4ball_backroll1 Tuey Wilson spinning 4 balls while doing a backwards sumersault. |
4ball_backroll2 Another picture of Tuey Wilson spinning 4 balls while doing a backwards sumersault. |
9club_passing Dan Mariott and another juggler pasing 9 clubs. |
ben_alan Ben Jennings and Alan Jacobs doing some 5 ball bouncing steals. |
ben_jennings Ben Jennings bouncing 7 balls. |
dan_fudi_pass Dan Mariott and Fudi passing clubs "circus style" (a long way away from each other). |
dan_jim Dan Holzman and myself hanging out after a devilstick workshop. |
diabolo1 The monster diabolo rebound contraption. |
diabolo2 Another picture of the monster diabolo rebound contraption. |
fudi1 Fudi juggling 4 clubs. |
fudi2 Another picture of Fudi juggling 4 clubs. |
hiroshi_jim1 Hiroshi Ueda and myself hanging out. |
hiroshi_jim2 Hiroshi Ueda and myself each doing two devilsticks. |
jason1 Jason Garfield in the numbers ring competition. |
jason2 Jason Garfield doing 9 rings in the numbers competition. |
jeff_chuck Jeff and Chuck passing clubs. |
jeff_daymont Jeff Daymont juggling 5 while balancing one on his forehead. |
jon_wee Jon Wee juggling 4 clubs. Give me five. |
mongo_fs1 The mongo flowerstick and it's maker. |
mongo_fs2 Another person tries out the mongo flowerstick. |
peter_caseman Peter Caseman working on 6 clubs. |
scott_sorensen Scott Sorensen juggling rings in the numbers competition. |
steve_ragatz1 Steve Ragatz working on head and shoulder bounces. |
steve_ragatz2 Steve Ragatz. He had this one in the show when he was with Cirque du Soleil Quidam. ;-) |