Game summaries for April 26, 2002

Another good gathering of gamers for the BBGB.

Attended by: Jim & Sue Barlow, Justin & Laura Berman, Geoff Dewan, Matt & Jamie Elliott, Tony Foreman, Chad & Adrienne Olson, Steve Parvin, Jason Smith

Games played:

Geoff, Steve, Matt, Jim
This was a pretty quick game which Jim won.

Geoff, Steve, Matt, Jim
This game lasted a bit longer than the first one and Steve won.

Justin, Chad, Jason, Tony
Justin won.

Call My Bluff
Geoff, Steve, Matt, Jim
Jim won.

Geoff, Steve, Matt, Jim
Steve won.

Settlers Of Catan
Sue, Laura, Adrienne, Jamie
Sue won.

Atlantic Star
Justin, Jason, Steve, Jim
Justin won.

Geoff, Chad, Tony, Matt
Tony and Matt tied.

Geoff, Chad, Tony, Matt
Geoff won.

Fill Or Bust
Tony, Justin, Jason, Chad, Steve, Jim
The closing game where 2 or 3 people got vengence and Jason finally pulled off the win.